Saturday, May 07, 2005

Finals Week and Beyond....

Started the beast of a paper. I think I'll do alright on it. Just 18 more pages to go. I checked out a laptop from Union South to work on it at the Terrace. Got a good couple hours in before the battery died. Then ran into Erika there. I kept her company for a good hour and a half until Cassie showed up. Erika keeps getting cooler. I found out she's a Billy Joel fan. Holla.

Have the math exam tomorrow for the class I never went to. Hope that turns out ok. Should probably try to find out where and when it is.

Comm Arts final on Wednesday. Then I'm done. Don't know what the bank in Columbus is doing. I really want to work there. God forbid I end up at American Packaging.... again. Oy.

Good luck to everyone on their finals. Peace be the journey.


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