Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm Still Mad

A chance to interview MIT Professor of Comparative Media Studies Henry Jenkins, or something like that, for the Daily Cardinal had me digging through old copies of EGM to find that interview they did with him and that real sunuvabitch Jack Thompson. While contemplating an angle with which to approach the interview I was watching X-Play and a commercial for a paintball video game came on.

Now, I could write a book on the absurdity of a paintball video game, but what occurred to me was the multitude of other games and activities that aren't video games that offer a chance for youths to experience murder simulations, like Mr. Thompson likes to call them. In paintball, flanking opponents, finding cover, and aiming with an actual gun offers a far more relevant experience to killing than pushing buttons on a controller.

I'm not advocating abolishing paintball or something ridiculously radical like that, cough*Jack Thompson*cough. I just thought it was an interesting analogy. Now, I'm going to go learn to kill by slaying giant colossi.


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