Friday, April 29, 2005

What a Friday

Started off with that bang-up editing session, followed by several hours of nothing. Had to go to the store to buy AJ the taquitos I ate after stumbling home Saturday night/Sunday morning. Then I got into a debate with AJ and DJ over the subjectivity v. objectivity of film and completely forgot that I had a script due at 6 pm for class. Nobody to blame but myself, right? Wrong. I blame Mark Pender, the media center staff, and DJ, in that order. Apologies in the form of either a spoken word, total silence, or a complete lack of contact will be accepted. Now to watch a western, decide whether it is good or bad, and go to bed.

Final Video Project

I went in at 9 am today to work on my final project for my video production class. You know, I like comm arts and everything, but the people in that department are morons. First of all the complete lack of inteligence and patience in the media center staff is mind boggling. Are these people paid? How about some professionalism if so. Then, for every technical question I asked them regarding the editing suite the response was always and accusation followed by "Just reboot." I never thought stupidity could take physical form, but it has, and it works in the comm arts department.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Internship/Job Offering?

Just got a call from a local bank about a summer internship. I guess they're interested in math majors (YES!!) and are willing to have me as an intern so long as I would probably work for them after graduating in December 2005. I'm pumped!

Twelve Days left.

It may come as some surprise to many of you that I'm a procrastonator. The week before spring break I dropped a class I couldn't afford to do poorly in and picked up an independent study in the journalism department. I have to write a 25 to 30 page paper due by May 15 on a subject of my choosing. Not a problem unless you consider that this one paper counts for three credits all by itself. As of right now I haven't started doing anything... heaven help me.