Saturday, July 22, 2006

This Would Be Cool

Question: Will this be the blow that Microsoft needs to take over the video game console market from Sony?

Comment: EA and their partnership with ESPN recently announced that their upcoming game "NBA Live 07" for the Xbox 360 would be more heavily integrated with ESPN content. Currently EA sports games give you the option of streaming news content from the real world on a ticker at the bottom of the game screen. Now the game publisher is claiming soon we'll be able to receive streaming internet radio content from ESPN Radio shows and even EOE (ESPN Original Entertainment) such as the always great PTI. The flood gates could certainly open as more developers integrate features like this into other games. And Microsoft, with a larger harddrive add-on, could make a hi-def internet movie rental service a reality for their mighty machine. It could be too much for Sony's PS3 to overcome if the big 'M' can get it done.

Snide Remark: "The greatest inventions of mankind (the airplane, the car, the internet) says little about his inteligence but speaks volumes about his laziness."


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