Tuesday, May 31, 2005

On a side note...

I've concluded May having watched a total of 17 movies I had never seen before. Some of the highlights were Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Born on the Fourth of July, and Judgement at Nuremberg.

I also took Roach's car to the OP one evening. It's a manual, which I'm OK at driving. I got there no problem. On the way back, turning onto Regent, I had some trouble getting into second. A cop was behind me and I'm sure he noticed. Got to the Regent-Monroe intersection and had to stop. Problem was I was on a hill. The cop pulled up along side to turn left onto Monroe and another car pulled up behind me. Not wanting to roll back into the other car I was quick in letting off the clutch, and perhaps a bit too hard in giving her some gas. I swear you probably heard me peel out that night it was so loud. As I started to move by the cop he just looked at me. I gave him the "I'm bad at driving stick and that was an accident" wave. He didnt' pull me over and the car behind me was unharmed. The End.

Memorial Day

Went to Mad Hatters for Memorial Day with Dan, Brad, Jess, Dennis, Joe, and Kate. There we bared witness to several of the most scantily clad, sexually charged girls dancing all over the bar. Dennis almost got in a fight with two of them over the jukebox selections. Upon leaving we headed for Qdoba. Dennis got raw and decided he'd take the five of us guys to Brats for some car bombs. The girls didn't follow (cuz girls suck) and waited outside. Eventually we made it to Qdoba and sat down to eat. As everyone was finishing up a girl, who we latered discovered to be named Jenny, sat down at our table. Jenny was about as drunk as I've seen anybody for a long time. She had troulbe eating her burrito (lord knows how she ordered it in the first place) and was getting cheese and rice in her hair. She fell on the floor several times spilling stuff everywhere. She had a digital camera on her so we took some pictures for her. I also tried calling somebody on her phone, to no avail. At one point she went to the bathroom and upon returning it appeared as though she had, ahem, wet herself. We got her outside and Dan tried walking her home. He got about a block away when he called my phone. I looked up to see her lying on the ground and him laughing. A cop rolled by and got out to investigate. She told the officer a bunch of incoherent stuff and then asked if he wanted her ID. He said sure, and then she handed him a Visa card. He finally got her in his car and home, presumably. Wow. What a Memorial Day.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Summer is here. I'm unemployed but searching for jobs. I'm broke. I know a lot of say that as an exageration of their current condition, but I mean it. I bounced a rent check and have -$200 in my checking account. Couple that with a Best Buy and Visa bill and I'm, what the Irish call, "fucked, and not in a good way, lad." That damn APC wouldn't hire me back (fucking Shelly). I applied for another factory job at Walgreens distribution center on 3rd shift. I'm actually hoping I get it. The only problem is that I sleep here during the day with construction going on upstairs. Have to talk to Bob about that one. Oh, my computer got a virus, too. The good times keep on coming for one Jason Michael Ducat.

Friday, May 13, 2005

And that's a wrap!

My senior year here concludes with my finishing that beast of a paper today. It's 27 pages long, so yeah, that's sweet. Today I have to turn it in and talk with the guy that directed it (it was an independent study paper). Then I think I'm going to head to La Crosse with the Guenthers to hang out with Erin. We'll be coming back Saturday to drink in honor of Brad graduating. After that? I need a job. They're taking apps at The Stadium Bar, so I could do that if all else fails. I guess working at a bar wouldn't be bad.

Monday, May 09, 2005

You know what?

This world needs more haikus.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Finals Week and Beyond....

Started the beast of a paper. I think I'll do alright on it. Just 18 more pages to go. I checked out a laptop from Union South to work on it at the Terrace. Got a good couple hours in before the battery died. Then ran into Erika there. I kept her company for a good hour and a half until Cassie showed up. Erika keeps getting cooler. I found out she's a Billy Joel fan. Holla.

Have the math exam tomorrow for the class I never went to. Hope that turns out ok. Should probably try to find out where and when it is.

Comm Arts final on Wednesday. Then I'm done. Don't know what the bank in Columbus is doing. I really want to work there. God forbid I end up at American Packaging.... again. Oy.

Good luck to everyone on their finals. Peace be the journey.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

A Wednesday to remember

A normal day (for the most part). I got up at 1. Went to band. Afterwards I went to lab for comm arts 355. I made a cheesecake yesterday to bring for final video screenings. Afterwards we went out to the Red Shed, the KK, and the Church Key to celebrate our general awesomeness. Thanks for a good time 310ers. You're the best. Much love. Peace.

Monday, May 02, 2005

How do I remember this shit?

It's weird the stuff we remember. Or maybe it's just me. At the Silver Dollar the other night I was talking with Adam and somehow remembered obscure dreams he had told me in middle school that I had locked away somewhere. He didn't even remember them! I can remember other people's locker combinations from high school. I'm sitting here listening to Foo Fighters and can recall vividly the night the video for Monkey Wrench off The Colour and the Shape album premiered. Yet I can't remember to turn assignments in on time, or people's names, or streets, etc. Anybody else share this problem?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Home Stretch

Spent all day Saturday working on my final project for my production class. Jeremy was good enough to come in and do some recording as the narrator for this masterpiece, so that was cool. A couple hours later I finished editing him in and, man, did I do a good job.

Afterwards I went home to eat and go to bed but was talked into going over to Brad's for beer. An exceptionally fun evening of boozing then occurred at the Silver Dollar. We were about to leave when who should stumble in through the door? Fucking William Carrie Sharpee and Justin Meyer. WTF mate? Then as we approached Pizza Di Roma we fucking saw Ms. Molly O'Brien and Brianne Pratt entering Stillwaters. Bizarre. After eating and seeing one of the managers of Brats dancing around yelling "Wooo!" at everybody I caught a cab home with the most vulgar cabbie ever. A good night, to say the least.

Need to get going on the paper, though. Remember? That beast of a three credit project due in about ten days? Yeah. Well having finished the film thing I hope I can focus entirely on this other thing. I'll keep ya posted.