On a side note...
I also took Roach's car to the OP one evening. It's a manual, which I'm OK at driving. I got there no problem. On the way back, turning onto Regent, I had some trouble getting into second. A cop was behind me and I'm sure he noticed. Got to the Regent-Monroe intersection and had to stop. Problem was I was on a hill. The cop pulled up along side to turn left onto Monroe and another car pulled up behind me. Not wanting to roll back into the other car I was quick in letting off the clutch, and perhaps a bit too hard in giving her some gas. I swear you probably heard me peel out that night it was so loud. As I started to move by the cop he just looked at me. I gave him the "I'm bad at driving stick and that was an accident" wave. He didnt' pull me over and the car behind me was unharmed. The End.